
Check out my piece in DNA magazine, a glossy, Aussie gay periodical-- July 2014

"Supporting the decay of our once great nation."

 In honor of the topic discussed below, I have included a clip of the woman who started it all. Christine Jorgensen. The first woman to have a sex change which she successfully endured as the first MTF to undergo it, she blazed the trail for trannies to be able to match their outside with how they felt on the inside. Chaz Bono is today's public face of gender reassignment and based on the experience I described below, he's pissing a lot of people off.
Way to go Chaz.
  • Chaz Bono was a hot topic a few months back when he joined Dancing with the Stars. I came across a lot of brouhaha or I should say "bullshit" perusing Youtube. The comments responding to a clip of one of his appearances revealed the ignorance that is rife in our culture around transsexuals. There were a number of comments that rejected Chaz' decision to change his gender. I had to come to his defense and posted this under my screen name LastChanceLife.

     "As a man, he continues to make tremendous inroads towards the acceptance of LGBTs, especially trannies. I admire his strength considering the difficulties he endures through discrimination."
    LastChanceLife 2 months ago

    That started a back and forth between me and an asshole who calls himself "Some random feller".  
    He felt the need to post the following. 

    @LastChanceLife its a she, or i suppose "it" would be more appropriate nowSomeRandomFeller 2 months ago
  • Which is when I responded with:@SomeRandomFeller You are revealing your ignorance and intolerance by insisting that the pronoun used to describe Chaz Bono should be it. He is a human being and deserves to be described by the gender signifier of which he identifies, in this case, he. You on the other hand are abhorrent and therefore are better classified as a "it" and an asshole.
  • That really set him off.  I received a full fledged diatribe where he left no doubt as to the depths of his complete ignorance and intolerance.      

    @LastChanceLife  Take your politically correct bullshit and blow it out your ass. Just because some freak decides to mutilate its genitals because they have the audacity to know better than nature does not mean I will support such crap. You liberals want to shove this shit in peoples faces and FORCE them to accept it. I will not. People like you support the decay of our once great nation. YOU are the problem. You want equality for everyone, unless they see things differently than you. FUCK YOU!!!
  • And then he chimed in independently with a blanket statement that really summed up his beliefs. 
    @SomeRandomFeller Liberals suck ass. It's not a wonder why they argue by using race baiting or false equality causes.

    I don't feel the need to throw one back to SomeRandomFeller because it would be like trying to debate abortion with the Christian cuckoos.

    I used to be ambiguous in my own gender presentation and it used to make me feel like a celebrity while I pretended that the stares and murmurs emanating from the public were in response to them having just seen a celebrity because that''s what it felt like to affect so many people by virtue of being myself. I felt like I ,must have been pretty important if so many people felt the need to express an opinion about the way I should dress. If I was able to set the tongues wagging, I could imagine what a real celebrity must endure in the same situation. Chaz is such an example. But don't let me give him too much credit because another high profile FTM objected to Chaz being the only public spokesperson of the trans topic. Stephen Ira Beatty, the trans son of Warren Beatty and Annette Bening is in the process of switching genders from the one he was born with who was called Kathlyn. "I just don't want anyone thinking that he's qualified to offer Trans 101, you know?" he said  

    If Stephen resents Chaz getting all the credit, he should get booked on The View, at least to start. Chaz is in the spotlight because he out himself out there and put on a brave face at risk of being assassinated by some Christian fundamentalist like the type shown on Youtube.
    Being the spawn of Cher gave Chaz a prime platform to talk Trans 101 but Shirley Maclaine's former niece who became a nephew would make an equal impression on the masses and attract his parent's fan base to boot. So speak up Stephen and take Trans 101 to the next level.