Written to my friend that causes me to practice tolerance and compassion for his unbelievably douchebag views and lack of understanding of San Francisco's culture. His country, corn-pone crackpot views on our culture are all the more of a curiosity for what amounts to a crock of BS.
He spouted off simplistically as if life was a Horatio Alger tale.
I replied:
That's not the issue. The protest is in response to cultural genocide taking place as the gay militant activist trope is replaced with a mediocre centrist heteronormative marriage model aiming to be ordinary as middle-spread paunchy pedestrians of America's tiresome majority. What's worse the millennial upstart brats raised on the Internet and devoid of anything beyond the scope of an app have infiltrated San Francisco and transformed what was once the most progressive place in the US to an elitist arm of ethnocentric ick that thinks money and their entitlements gleaned from helicopter parents' incessant and inaccurate assessments of their brat's exalted place in society entitled them to cast aspersions at the less fortunate. It's very short sighted and premature to stand back and declare all the mentally ill marginalized as unworthy of human respect simply because their trajectory in life has prevented them for whatever reason from toiling to tow the line for that goddamn Puritanical Protestant "american" work ethic that you're alluding to as a requirement to be treated with human
dignity. I don't judge others' station in life based on my own classist elitism that still springs forth as my first instinct and reaction when encountering crackheads and bat-shit-crazy harridans bellying up to the bar to hustle a drink from a trick in order to skulk away in the dark corners of the night life on Hyde St to try in desperate vain to find a vein on her hand. Then I realize that's me and I look down at the filthy hand of the shell of a woman huddled in the shadow of an overhead bug lite on the garage door of a storage unit for transients and their lifetime of tangibles and drop a fresh bag of points and alcohol pads at her feet. "Honey, use a fresh needle to get that hit or you'll lose your hand." She looks up with terror and shame in her eyes and I wink. "Practice Harm reduction Honey." Be safe. from what I'm hearing from you, she would be relegated to subhuman status simply because she's not working in the conventional clock watching career field that you take pride in for contributing to cubicle culture . I'm Just playing devils advocate to hopefully let you in on the crisis of culture that exists here. Remember this is the land of fruits nuts and flakes that Ronald Reagan's 1960s act of de-institut-ional-ization unleashed in a deluge as the downtrodden and dim witted descended upon the State with a majority migrating to SF.
I am a product of that which took place because my biological parents met and fostered a relationship as refugees from that act. I have extreme empathy for situations that mirror the ones that led my original parents down the stony end of their tragic lives because its in my DNA. The fact that I was rescued and raised with every material advantage and opportunity to transcend those beginnings has been a source of my own shame and guilt for not conforming to the conventions and customs of someone with a college degree from such a bastion of privilege and overindulgences that I was fortunate enough to take for granted. It is definitely difficult for me to be on the outside looking in as my economic situation prevents me from taking up my rightful place in the consumerist lot of cretins who collect cock rings and spend 3 figures on a shave and haircut at a barber shop with a homophobic front and bro-jobs sucking high balls in the back simply because I'm not taking my place on the totem pole of American upward mobility. But I value my ability to have empathy as more sacred than the asshole I would most assuredly be if my lack of exposure influenced me to pass judgment and feel superior over the " serfs and dirty bums that ought to get a fucking job to prove their worth as humans". ---- It's not that black and white or in this case, as red, white and blue as the Stars and Stripes of the flag waving in the wind of your goddamn state. California has just as many Mexican immigrants and bombastic gasbags with opinions not worth the shit that defecating cows from both states inspire as wisdom wrapped in blanket statements like the one you originally opened this dialogue with.