
Check out my piece in DNA magazine, a glossy, Aussie gay periodical-- July 2014

Life through Bette Davis eyes

 In September 1962, Davis placed an advertisement in Variety under the heading of "Situations wanted—women artists", which read, "Mother of three—10, 11 & 15—divorcee. American. Thirty years experience as an actress in Motion Pictures. Mobile still and more affable than rumor would have it. Wants steady employment in Hollywood. (Has had Broadway)." Davis said that she intended it as a joke  and she sustained her comeback over the course of several years.

I found this personals ad I wrote 5 years ago for some site.
If it worked for Bette, I figured I stood a decent shot of having it work for me so I decided to place an albeit in a less public venue...and for a friend/BF instead of a job. Was it a coincidence that it just happened to occur to me exactly 46 years from the month Davis did hers? Nothing in life is a coincidence.

I'm the One That I Want
 on Monday, September 1, 2008

 I'm seeking someone who makes me say wow but I'll settle for starstruck, I'm a total starfucker, I'm in search of someone intelligent, and random, and kooky, and irreverent with an enviable sense of style, Film Enthusiasts welcome, Film Stars, Film Noir, Queer indie cinema, Writing, editing, reading,
 Must be independent and understand if I go off the radar at the same time being available if I simply can't be alone.
I speak in non-sequiters and random quotes from classical Hollywood cinema tthat I don't expect you to be able to completely reference but must have general working knowledge of gay camp icons of the zeitgeist
with a Z like Liza. .. MGM had more stars than the heavens, Wish upon a shooting
star or shoot up, --- I don't give a fuck...
 Or just friends-- friends, friends, Freaky friends, Drag queen friends, Hyper Camp--- Pomosexuals, Creative Types, Queer, poz, weird, spooky, loners,
lusty squires, damaged, wounded, fragile, beautiful souls, old souls, Pizazz and sparkle, Maturity, Perspective